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Dear citizens of Rust! Dear guests!
Welcome to the homepage of the “royal free city” of Rust.
This newly structured website aims to pass on important information about administrative and political sectors as well as life in our town. Here you’ll find an answer to many questions you may have about our town or be provided with the right contact details or someone who can help you further.
The “royal free city of Rust” has had its gates open to guests since time immemorial – and now we would also like to attract as may guests as possible to our town through the gateway of the internet. Naturally, we hope that this virtual visit will make you want to pay our town a visit for real.
I hope that you’ll like our homepage and that we will be able to provide you with some interesting facts about our town and the people that live here.
Mag. Gerold Stagl
Mayor of the royal free city of Rust